Thursday, November 24, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Term 3 Week 7 - We play numeracy games to test our addition skills and place value knowledge

We finished our Hero plank and look forward to it
becoming part of the Playhouse Cafe's wacky wall on September 25th.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Term 3 - week 6: We begin to create our superhero plank for the Playhouse Cafe

The super-hero plank we make will become part of a 'wild wall' being created (from 11- 4pm) and displayed on Sunday September 25th at the Playhouse Cafe (171 Westdale Rd - near Mapua).

Term 3 week 5 - Fishy Calendar Art, Enjoying the playdough we made for homework.

We start to make our calendar art by continuing the 'fish' theme and
adding colour to last week's sketches.