Thursday, June 16, 2011

Term 2 Week 7 Games outside, computers for reading skills, rubbish clean-up, and the fun run in house colours.

Tatahi, Ra, Whenua and Moana...ready to run!
"It was so much fun and I felt really happy because my team won. I am in Ra" - Anikin
"I feel really happy because our team won, I am in Ra, we wear red" - Zack

"We were picking up rubbish to keep the school tidy.
We picked up 94 pieces!" - Zack
"We use the computers in the morning when we do guided reading,
I was on studyladder practising my blends". - DJ
"We were practising our spelling so that we can spell more words the right way". Nathaniel
"It was my reading activity". Jaelyn
"I like crocodile crocodile because its tricky to get
past the crocodiles"  Brodie
"This game is called crocodile crocodile.
You have to ask the croc if you can cross the river.
The you have to dodge the crocodiles" - Robbie


  1. Wow Room 11.

    We would love to learn how to play that game. Will you teach us one day?

    From Room 9

  2. Tegan and Olivia room 7June 27, 2011 at 2:06 PM

    Good work room 11 for tidying up the school.
