Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week 6: More insulation experiments, we make little insulated people, & our published writing is displayed for you to read.

"It was fun writing our stories.  We drew heaps of different things and they looked cool on the wall" - Lily
"We were proofreading and fixing our mistakes" Jessie
"We had to put on warm clothes to insulate them...insulate means keeping the heat in.  We needed jackets, long pants, warm shoes, gloves and beanies" - Brodie
"We had to try and keep them warm, we used cotton wool, plastic, tinfoil, newspaper, and a fleece...Brodie even spread butter on his!" - Nathaniel
"The cotton wool was the best.... it was still warm when it was home time" - Jacqui
The one with no cover on it got cold really quickly.

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